You are welcome to contact us with any questions you may have. We will get back to you in a timely manner.
Frequently Asked Questions
We work on a project-based fee schedule. We will quote you based on a thorough consultation to determine your needs. From there, we will create a clear scope and workable timeline for your deliverable.
Getting an accurate and fair quote to our clients is the most important element to tackle before we start the project. Here is a list of information we need in order to get a quote for you:
Format of the project (white paper, eBook, web content, sales brochure, etc)
Size of the project (in approximate number of words, number of pages)
Is this mostly an editing task or is the content going to be original (an estimate in percentages is fine)?
Will you require additional research to complete the project?
Does the project require additional inputs or coordination?
Am I working alongside your web developer or graphic designer?
Do you need me to recommend a designer?
When is the project due?
What interim timelines do I need to consider?
Who is the audience?
What do I need to keep in mind regarding what they are “listening” for?
Where will the project be placed?
How will it be consumed by your audience?
Will you provide keywords and/or links to incorporate into the content?
Do you require me to research the keywords?
My step-by-step process is broken down here:
Gather the information above
Review the materials you send me
Get answers to any questions I may have
Draft an outline with most important messages and quotes highlighted
Define the voice
Determine the keywords and phrases, links and backlinks
Do any required research
Manage source references
Write the headline and the first sentence hook
Write a first draft of the piece
Take a break before editing the final piece
Get initial client feedback, incorporate appropriately
Finalize the piece
Submit to client
Review of current content and the guidance you, the client, provide.
If your company has a style guide, I will work with that.
AP Stylebook or Chicago Manual of Style are generalized guides that simply dictate grammar
We have several techniques.
Simple language
Established lexicon for your industry
Supportive imagery (e.g. Infographics, etc, which we can help design)
Use of metaphors
Use case examples, if possible, from your own case studies
We work with you to incorporate any edits.
With me, the customer is always right
We will explain any instances where we believe the writing could be improved, but the client always makes the final call.
Yes, absolutely.
Yes, with pleasure.
We typically use Google keyword search.
You propose your ideal keywords
We do the research to match up the relevant word with those that provide the biggest bang for your buck based on the stats
We work with you to agree on the final keywords
We place keywords in the piece
Having managed her own businesses for most of her career, Kimberly is an expert project planner.
We plan our time in a detailed calendar, setting time markers like you would if you were running a 5K or a marathon.
If either party needs to adjust the time lines, we communicate in advance to avoid surprises and other complications.
Kimberly has worked in the field of sustainability and marketing for over 20 years, in various capacities, always creating her own content. In addition:
She has specialized certificates from NYU in Clean Tech and digital marketing
She is a member of the American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI) Circle of Success for professional writers
She either writes ro approves all copy Emotiva produces
Please see her my LinkedIn profile if you would like more details (Click Here)
Kelly is knowledgeabe in the sciences and contributes to projects as needed.